Quality student accommodation in Loughborough

11 Gregory St, Loughborough

8 bedroom house

Let: Contact us for 2026 prices

Availability: 1 July 2026Back to listings


  • Flat screen TV in social room
  • Double beds in all bedrooms
  • Full gas central heating
  • Double glazed
  • Bathroom with shower
  • Shower room
  • Laundry room
  • Wash hand basins in all bedrooms
  • Fire alarms wired to mains power
  • Fire extinguisher and blanket - annually inspected


  • Microwave
  • Fridges and freezers
  • Washing machine
  • Tumble dryer
  • Henry hoover


  • Gas appliances Gas Safe Register (Corgi) tested and electricity certification issued
  • Fully compliant to all gas, electricity and fire regulations
  • Registered as a House for Multiple Occupation
  • We are members of DASH Services and all our houses are accredited by them


  • Off street parking
  • Garden
  • Burglar Alarm